; Trickstoo.com

Thursday, December 12, 2013

WHY DID YOU ....... ?

 Come into my life ?
 Become my beloved lover ?

Disturb my moods ?
Rush into my thoughts ?

    Drive away all other things of mine?    
Wake up my sensitive feelings?

Steal my sound sleep ?
Penetrate into my dreams ?

 Stay in my heart ?
 Fill in my eyes ?

Attract me with your smile ?
Fasten me with your melodious voice ?

Play with me hide and seek ?
Mesmerise me every second ?

Why don't you come to me ?
If you come to marry me...

Then we will walk together ,
build a house together,
and enjoy with our kids forever.



  1. బాగుంది మీ కవిత చక్కని కొసమెరుపుతో...

  2. Sir , hearty welcome to my blog .Thanks for your comment .
